2-4. Unit Operation
a. General.
(1) The tank and pump unit is used to
dispense all types of automotive and aviation fuel.
However, only one grade of fuel should be carried
in and dispensed from the unit at a time. Since the
pumping assembly is highly adaptable, dispensing
with the tank and pump unit may be done in a
variety of ways to meet different situations in the
field. This paragraph covers some common
operational procedures for the tank and pump unit
in the field.
All aircraft fuel must be dispensed
through a filter / separator unit. It is
mandatory that the performance of
filter / separators on all aircraft refuel
ing equipment be checked every 30
days through submission of samples
taken from the effluent stream of the
filter / separator.
(2) Upon request, the petroleum represen-
tative will furnish sample containers to components
of the Army, Army National Guard, or Reserve
operating aircraft refueling equipment. Samples
will be sent to the petroleum laboratory designated
by the petroleum representative. In the event that a
sample indicates unsatisfactory performance of
filter / separator equipment, the submitting ac-
tivity will be notified by telephone and will be
advised to change the filter / separator elements
(AR 703-1, 1 Apr 1971).
b. Dispensing from Truck Tanks Through Reels.
Be sure proper grounding procedures
have been followed prior to performing
any of the following operations.
(1) Lower tailgate and ground the unit (para
2-3). Attach one end of the ground wire to the
aircraft or vehicle to be fueled.
(2) Pull out dispensing hoses to desired length.
Attach nozzle bonding wires (fig. 1-3) to aircraft or
vehicle before opening filler caps and inserting
(3) Insert nozzles in vehicle or equipment fuel
tanks carefully, but firmly, to form a bond; observe
safe fueling rates stenciled near fuel tanks.
When dispensing fuel, attend the
nozzles constantly; do not wedge open
or block the control lever.
(4) Open a tank discharge valve and start
pump. Opening a discharge valve with full tanks
should prime the pump.
(5) Be sure that fuel to be dispensed to an
aircraft is the same grade as that stenciled near the
aircraft filler caps; note tank capacities and ask the
pilot or flight engineer for estimate of quantities
needed to avoid spillage.
When topping off small tanks, it may be necessary
to reduce engine speed in order to reduce pressure
surging at the hose and nozzle.
Replace filler cap securely before
removing the nozzle bonding wire.
Recap, wind, and secure nozzle bonding wire
around nozzles when through dispensing.
(6) Open second discharge valve just before
first tank is emptied, and close first discharge valve
when the tank is empty.
(7) Open drain valve to completely drain tank,
then close drain valve.
(8) Stop pump when operation is completed;
drain hoses if shutting down for longer than
overnight; rewind hoses, rewind ground wire and
remove nozzles and stow.
(9) Refill tanks at the end of the days
operation to reduce condensation during overnight
2-5. Stopping
Refer to figure 2-3 and stop the engine.
Figure 2-3. Engine stopping instructions.