TM 5-4320-306-10
reached. Engine speed and pump discharge pres-
sure vary with the weight of the liquid being
pumped and the demands of the pumping appli-
cation. See the pump performance data plate,
located on the noise shield, to determine the correct
flow rate for the liquid being pumped. Pump capaci-
ties are shown in US gallons per minute (cubic
meters per hour). Discharge pressures are shown in
psi and feet of head for 1.00, 0.72, and 0.85 speci-
fic gravity liquids. Engine speed is shown in 100
rpm increments from 2000 to 2400 rpm (maxi-
mum governed speed). Pump and engine assembly
will give satisfactory life and performance when
operated in accordance with the pump performance
h. Stopping. Instructions (1) for stopping operation are on the throttle panel assembly (2) on the control panel.
Follow these stopping procedures.
(1) Slowly push in MANUAL THROTTLE CONTROL knob (3) until engine is at idle speed.
(2) Allow engine to idle for 30 seconds.
(3) Set START/STOP switch (4) to STOP position. The engine and pumping action will stop.
(4) Turn PANEL LIGHTS switch (5) to OFF position.