TM 5-4320-302-14
Crankcase bore for main bearing or camshaft
bearing bush is outside tolerance limits.
Crankcase bore for drive shaft bearing is out-
side tolerance limits.
Cylinder seats are worn, not flat, or damaged
beyond repair.
Tapholes, tappet bore, dished plug bore,
parallel pin, or plug holes are excessively
worn, cracked, or damaged beyond repair.
40. Crankcase
Repair minor rust, corrosion, nicks, or burrs in
accordance with MIL-T-704. Use P-C-458 crocus
cloth to smooth out surfaces if necessary.
Clean, treat, and refinish nonmachined surfaces.
Do not finish machined surfaces. Rebore tappet
bores if necessary. Retap tapholes if necessary.
41. Bearing bores
Do not attempt to rebore or otherwise repair
any crankcase bearing bores. If bearing bushes
or ball bearings do not fit tightly into bore,
replace crankcase.
42. Cylinder seats
Repair minor nicks, burrs, rust, or corrosion
with P-C-458 crocus cloth. Clean and treat in
accordance with MIL-T-704. Do not refinish.
If seats need to be refaced smooth or flat, use
crankcase cylinder seat refacing tool No.