TM 5-4320-302-14
Resistance should be infinite in all of the above tests. If
resistance reading is not infinite in any test, high
leakage or a short exists between columix windings, or
between a columix winding and the lamination. Replace
the columix. Test for columix continuity by connecting
ohmmeter probes to each pair of the following test
Point A to point A1
Point B to point B1
Point C to point C1
A low resistance reading (approximately 1.0 ohm or
less) in each test indicates columix continuity. Infinite
resistance indicates an open winding. Replace columix
if it fails any of the above tests or, if alternator has been
disassembled because of an electrical malfunction,
replace columix after all other components have been
checked and found to be satisfactory.
28. Bearings
Insert rotor shaft into rear ball bearing and rotate rotor.
Check for looseness, binding, or noise during rotation,
and for other damage. Check front ball bearing in the
same way. Replace faulty bearing.