TM 5-4320-300-14
33. Cam follower
Replace any cam follower rollers that are
scored, pitted, have flat spots, or do not turn
freely on their pins. Replace any rollers that
have a diametric clearance greater than 0.010
inch (0.254 mm), or side clearance greater
than 0.011 to 0.023 inch (0.279 to 0.584 mm).
34. Cam followers
Replace any cam followers that have a diameter
less than 1.0600 inches (26.924 mm).
Increasing clearance between the cam follower and bore is the result of wear of
the bore. If bore diameter is greater than 1.063 inches (27.015 mm), the cylinder
head should be reconditioned or replaced.
35. Push rods,
Replace any push rods, spring seats, or cam
spring seats,
follower springs that are excessively worn or
and cam
damaged. Replace any cam follower springs
that can be compressed to less than 2.1406
inches (54.371 mm) with a load of 250 pounds
(1112 N). Reassemble cam follower and push
rod assemblies prior to installation.
36. Cylinder head
Replace if:
Cylinder head shows cracks or leaks of any
Bottom has a longitudinal warpage greater than
0.005 inch (0.127 mm) and a transverse warpage
greater than 0.004 inch (0.1016 mm).
Cam follower bores are seriously scored,
scratched, or damaged. Slight scratches and
score marks can be removed with P-C-458
crocus cloth.
37. Water nozzles
Tighten any loose water nozzles. Replace water
nozzles if rusty, corroded, or plugged.
38. Exhaust mani-
Replace if excessively rusty, corroded, or dam-
fold studs
aged. Install replacement studs after coating
threads with MIL-T-22361 thread compound
and driving studs 25 to 40 ft lb (34 to 54 Nm)
torque, 1.40 to 1.50 inches (35.6 to 38.1 mm)
in height.