TM 5-3825-270-10
UNPACKING - Continued
Cloths or rags saturated with solvent cleaning compound must be disposed of IAW
authorized facilities' procedures. Failure to comply may result in injury to personnel.
Eye shields must be worn when cleaning with a wire brush. Failure to comply may result
in injury to personnel.
If personnel become dizzy while using cleaning solvent, immediately get fresh air and
medical help. If solvent contacts skin or clothes, flush with cold water. If solvent contacts
eyes, immediately flush eyes with water and get immediate medical attention. Failure to
comply may result in injury or death to personnel.
Remove any metal strapping, plywood, tapes, seals, wrapping or any other shipping and protective items. If any
parts are coated with lubricating oil, remove it using solvent cleaning compound. Read and follow all instructions
contained in DD Form 1397 (WP 0086), "Processing and Deprocessing Record of Shipping, Storage, and Issue of
Trucks and Spare Engines". Inspect flatrack for damage incurred during shipping. If flatrack has been damaged,
report the damage on SF 364 Supply Discrepancy Report. Check the equipment against the packing slip to ensure
shipment is complete. Report all discrepancies in accordance with DA PAM 750-8 (WP 0086).
Perform the Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services in PMCS. Schedule the next Preventive Maintenance
Checks and Services on DD Form 314 (WP 0086), Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Record. Report all
deficiencies on DA Form 2407 (WP 0086) if the deficiencies appear to involve unsatisfactory design.
Preservation and other protective measures taken in the preparation of material and accompanying tools and
equipment for shipment must be sufficient to protect the material against deterioration and physical damage during
shipment. Use solvent cleaning compound to clean or wash grease or oil from all metal parts. All surfaces must be
clean to ensure removal of corrosion, soil, grease, or residues. After cleaning, use cold water to rinse flatrack. Dry
all parts thoroughly with a lint-free cloth. Spot paint all surfaces as necessary TB 430209 (WP 0086).
Refer to operating instructions for the equipment.
Upon receipt of new, used, or reconditioned equipment, the receiving organization must see if it has been
properly prepared for service and is in good condition (WP 0070). Inspect all assemblies, subassemblies, and
accessories to ensure they are in proper working order. Secure, clean, correctly adjust, and lubricate as needed
(see Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) TablesWP 0070)). Check all tools and equipment
to be sure every item is there and in good condition and clean (WP 0087).
Follow general procedures for all services and inspections given in Field Level Preventive Maintenance Checks
and Services (PMCS) Tables and Operator's Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Tables