TM 10-4320-344-24
2.15.5 Battery Cable Asssembly Maintenance, Models 609-A and US636HCCD-1.
This task covers: Removal
2 .
15 . 5 . 3 R e p a ir
2 .
15 . 5 . 2 T e s t i n g
2 .
15 . 5 . 4 I n s t a l l a t i on
General Mechanics Automotive
Tool Kit, Appendix B, Section
III, Item 1
Multimeter, Appendix B, Section
III, Item 2
Soldering Torch Kit, Appendix B,
Section III, Item 2
Solder, Appendix C, Item 25
Strap, Electrical Tiedown, Appendix C,
Item 29
Tags, Appendix C, Item 31
Tape, Electrical, Appendix C,
Item 33
Lock Washers (TM 10-4320-344-24P)
Equipment Conditions
Pumping station shut down, TM
Equipment Conditions (Continued)
Battery Cable Assemblies disconnected from
battery, paragraph 2.15.2 or 2.15.4.
General Safety Instructions
To prevent rolling or sliding, do not work
on equipment that is not securely
s t a b i l i z e d.
Fumes from battery acid may cause
explosion, which could result in personal
injury. Keep sparks and open flame away
from battery.
Battery electrolyte contains sulfuric
acid, which can cause severe burns. If
electrolyte should contact skin or
clothing, rinse immediately with clean
water and seek medical attention.
Do not work on equipment without following
standard shop safety precautions.
This procedure
i s s i m i l a r. Removal.
c .
d .
e .
Remove three
clamps (4).
Remove screw
applies to Model 609-A.
The procedure for Model US636HCCD-1
nuts (Figure 2-41, 1), lock washers (2), screws (3), and cable
Discard lock washers (2).
(5), lock washer (6), and negative battery cable assembly (7)
from engine frame (8). Discard lock washer (6).
Remove and discard electrical tiedown straps (9).
The following step is applicable to model 609-A only.
Desolder control panel ground wire (10) from battery cable terminal (11) of
negative battery cable assembly (7).
Remove nut (12), lock washer (13), wire (14), and positive battery cable
a s s e m b l y ( 1 5 ) f r o m s t a t e r ( 1 6 ) . D i s c a r d l o c k w a s h e r ( 1 3 ) . - Testing.
Using multimeter test continuity of battery cable assemblies (7 and
15). If reading is greater than 1 ohm, repair or replace defective battery cable
assembly (7 or 15).