TM 10-4320-325-14
I. Check the thrust surfaces on both ends of the connecting rod for damage Replace connecting rod if necessary
m. Check the contact surface of the crank pin bearing insert for separation, melting, seizure, etc. Replace crank pin
bearing insert if it is separated or damaged
n. Check that clearance between crank pin and crank pin bearing insert is less than 0 004 inch (0 12 mm) Replace
crankpin bearing insert if clearance exceeds wear limit
Connecting rod Is made of a special aluminum alloy.
Avoid damage while
handling. Do not drop or clash against a hard object.
Heated parts can result in severe burns. Exercise care in handling the heated parts.
Avoid direct heating of piston with a torch.
a. Heat piston (5) to 160-1800F.
b. Position the piston top identification mark 'DM" (12) and the ID number on the connecting rod as shown.
c. Align the small end hole of connecting rod (8) with the piston.
d. Insert piston pin (7) into the piston pin hole.
e. Insert two snap lock rings (6) into piston pin holes.
Any time piston Is removed from engine, new piston rings should be Installed.
f. Measure piston ring end gap of each piston ring
g. When inserting the rings, the identification mark should face up