TM 10-4320-315-24
Test armature for grounding as follows:
Connect one lead of multimeter to the armature core.
Touch the other test lead to each commutator riser.
If continuity Is present, armature is grounded. Replace armature.
Test armature for short circuits as follows:
Place armature on a growler fixture.
Activate the fixture and slowly rotate armature while touching armature lightly with a steel strip. Strip
will vibrate against armature over a shorted area.
Replace armature if a short is indicated.
Bench test starter solenoid assembly as follows:
Apply 24 VDC between negative terminal and the small terminal of the solenoid relay. An audible click
and forward movement of the drive gear indicates solenoid actuation.
Remove 24 VDC from solenoid assembly terminals. The drive gear should move backward with an
audible click.
Replace solenoid assembly if it fails to perform properly.
Perform overrun clutch test as follows:
Rotate drive gear back and forth. Gear should turn freely in direction of motor rotation and should
rotate armature shaft In other direction.
If gear turns armature shaft in both directions, the overrun clutch of gear transmission is binding and
must be replaced.
If gear does not rotate armature shaft in either direction, the overrun clutch of gear transmission is
slipping and must be replaced.
If overrun clutch test is satisfactory, disassemble starter and check for damage.