TM 10-4320-226-14
4.10.16 Fuel Line Hoses and Fittings Maintenance. (continued)
Install engine return lines (figure 4-24, 1 and 2).
(1) Install return line (2), washer (17), connector (16), washer (15) and fluid
restriction bolt (14).
(2) Install return line (1), washer (13), washer (12) connector (11),
washer (10), and banjo bolt (9).
(3) Install washer (8), washer (7), and banjo bolt (6).
(4) Install washer (5), washer (4), and banjo bolt (3).
Install selection valve fitting (figure 23, 1) as follows:
(1) Install plug (5) into elbow (4).
(2) Install elbow (4) into source selector valve fitting (1).
(3) Install fitting (1) into adapter (2).
(4) Install adapter (2) with attaching parts into fuel tank (3).
Install fuel overflow line (figure 22, 1) as follows:
(1) Remove covers from openings and position overflow line (1) on engine.
(2) Install clamp (8), lockwasher (7), screw (6) and nut (5).
(3) Tighten clamp (3) to secure fuel overflow line (1) in banjo connector (4).
(4) Connect fuel overflow line connection (2) into selector valve fitting.
Install fuel filter outlet (figure 4-21, 1) as follows:
(1) Remove covers from openings and position filter outlet line (1) in place.
(2) Install washer (9), banjo connector (8), washer (7), and banjo bolt (6) into
fuel injector inlet.
(3) Install washer (5), banjo connector (4), washer (3), and banjo bolt (2) into
fuel filter.
Install fuel filter line (figure 4-20, 15) as follows:
(1) Remove covers from openings and position fuel filter line (15) in place.
(2) Install washer (23), banjo connector (22), washer (21), and banjo bolt (20)
from fuel filter inlet.
(1) Install banjo bolt (16), washer (17), banjo connector (18) and washer (19)
from fuel pump.
Install fuel feed pump line (7) as follows:
(1) Remove covers from openings. Install washer (14), banjo connector (13),
washer (12) and banjo bolt (11) to fuel pump.
(2) Install adapter (10).
(3) Remove covers from openings and install fuel pump line (7).
(4) Connect fuel pump line connection (9) to adapter (10) and remove tags.