Load tanks on truck before filling. Extreme caution should be taken in fill-
ing tanks to avoid exceeding cross-country payload limits of transporting
Lower tailgate of truck and remove tarpaulin, bows, and racks with seats.
b. Place a tank on the truck bed near the cab (or situate near tailgate according to truck configura-
tion) with tank dispensing valve pointing toward rear of truck (figures 1-1 and 3-5).
c. Install the 2-inch (5.08 cm) by 90-inch (228.6 cm) hose on the tank dispensing valve.
Four tiedown assemblies are used on each tank and two tiedown
assemblies are used on the pumping assembly. Turnbuckles are not used
on the pumping assembly (figure 4.1).
d. Connect one tiedown bracket between the truck and each tiedown link on the tank skids, using
turnbuckles (figure 4-1).
The turnbuckles must be only handtight. Periodically check tiedown
assemblies for tightness. Straps have a tendency to loosen when becom-
ing damp or wet.
e. Connect each lifting eye of the tank to the top of adjacent tiedown bracket, using tiedown strap
f. To unlock or release ratchet of tiedown strap assembly, press release in ratchet handle. Hold
release, pull handle down until side cams engage, and push static ratchet locks up from ratchet dogs.
This allows center ratchet spool to rotate in either direction.
g. To aid in unrolling the nylon strap, turn ratchet hook opening down on a flat surface. Press down
in the center of the ratchet while pulling nylon strap away from ratchet.
h. Connect hooks of tiedown straps to tank lifting eyes. Connect ratchets to tiedown brackets. Move
ratchet handle up and down until strap is tight. Push ratchet handle to the locked position.
i. Place remaining tank in truck so skids straddle the 90-inch hose stretched out on truck bed. Push
tank toward previously installed tank until the tank interlocks (on the skids) are engaged and seated.
Install the 2-inch (5.08 cm) by 26-1/2-inch (67.31 cm) hose on the dispensing valve of the second
k. Repeat steps d thru j to tie the second tank down.
l. Place pump unit on truck with hose nozzles toward rear of truck.