Figure 4-10. Filter Element Removal
a. Removal.
Open the filter/separator drain cock and drain the solution into a suitable container. (Figure
Open pressure vent valve by depressing and locking it.
Remove two screws and washers, and remove the sight gage, gasket, and float ball.
Disconnect flare nut couplings from the differential pressure gage.
Remove two screws and washers, and remove differential pressure gage.
Remove drain cock and hose.
Remove pressure vent valve.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Drycleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to clean parts is potentially dangerous
to personnel and property. Avoid repeated and prolonged skin contact. Do
not use near open flame or excessive heat. Flash point of solvent is 100°F
to 138°F (38°C to 59°C).