Figure 4-9. Filter Elements.
(4) Inspect to assure tightness of retainer rod at bottom of tank.
(5) Replace a defective filter/separator.
(1) Assemble filter elements into canisters and install in filter/separator (figures 4-8 and 4-9).
Before installing new filter elements, ensure the O-ring in each end of each
element is properly seated in its groove. Lubricate the O-rings with a Iight
coat of GAA grease (item 2, Appendix E) to prevent displacement during
element installation.
(2) Install clamp band and canister retainer.
(3) Fasten retainer with Iockwasher and wingnut.
(4) Install
carriage bolts.
(5) Install
and nuts.
(6) Install
coupling gasket, head, and coupling halves and fasten with two nuts, flat washers, and
filter/separator on the A-frame and secure with six screws, flat washers, Iockwashers,
elbows and connect hoses.
(7) Close drain cock.
(8) Close pressure vent valve.