6-8. Valve Inspection Cover and Tappets
(2) Measure valve clearance (fig. 6-7) and
a. Removal. Refer to figure 6-7 and remove the
inspect for defective valve springs, tappets,
valve inspection cover.
rotators, and seats.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
c. Installation. Refer to figure 6-7 and install the
(1) Clean the cover and accessible metal parts
valve inspection cover in reverse order of removal.
with cleaning solvent and dry thoroughly.
Figure 6-7. Valve inspection cover removal and valve clearance measurement.
6-9. Valves, Valve Seats, Guides, and Springs
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the engine (para 6-5).
(2) Remove the carburetor (para 4-25).
Remove the cylinder head (para 6-7).
Remove the valve inspection cover (para 6-