c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean parts with cleaning solvent; dry
(2) Inspect impeller for cracks, wear, scoring,
d a m a g e d b l a d e , w o r n o r d a m a g e d t h r e a d s,
distortion or other damage.
(3) Inspect pump housing for cracks, scoring
caused by a rubbing impeller, worn or damaged
threads, or other damage.
(4) Inspect intermediate coupling for cracks,
broken mounting flanges, damaged seal seat, or
other damage.
(5) Inspect the
seal assembly parts for
warping or deterioration. Carefully check the seal
faces for scratches or scoring. If any seal parts are
damaged, replace seal assembly.
(6) Inspect attaching hardware for cracks,
worn or damaged threads, distortion, or other
damage: replace damaged parts.
d . R e a s s e m b l y . R e f e r t o f i g u r e 6 - 2 a nd
reassemble pump and intermediate coupling.
e. Installation. Refer to figure 6-1 and install
pump housing. (Installation procedure is reverse of
6-3. General
6-5. Engine Removal and Installation
This section contains instructions for removing
and installing the engine assembly, and for repair
of the fuel tank and strainer, flywheel, cylinder
head, valves and tappets, engine base oil pump,
piston and connecting rod, crankshaft, camshaft,
and governor.
6-4. Fuel Tank
a. Refer to paragraph 4-24 for removal, ex-
terior cleaning and inspection, and installation of
fuel tank.
b. Repair fuel tank by soldering or welding.
(Refer to para 6-19 for tank welding instructions.)
a. Removal.
(1) Remove pump and intermediate coupling
(para 6-2).
(2) Remove fuel tank (para 4-24).
(3) Refer to figure 6-3 and remove the engine
b. Installation,
(1) Refer to figure 6-3 and install the engine
(2) Install the fuel tank (para 4-24).
( 3 ) I n s t a l l t h e p u m p a n d i n t e r m e d i a t e
coupling (para 6-2).
6 - 3