Figure 4-26 Manifold, removal.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean and dry the manifold throughly.
(2) Inspect the manifold for cracks, breaks,
distortion, defective threads, and for other damage.
Section XIV. TANKS
4-40. Cleaning Tanks and Components
a. General. The tank and tank components must
be cleaned before any repair is initiated. Each time
a m a j o r c o m p o n e n t i s r e m o v e d f o r r e p a i r , i n-
or other service,
a l l p a r t s m u s t be
thoroughly cleaned. Clean the discharge valve each
time the tank is drained. Clean the tank interior
and exterior prior to repair.
b. Components. Clean metal parts with cleaning
solvent. Federal Specification P-D-680. Immerse
(3) Inspect for worn or broken gasket.
(4) Replace defective parts.
c. Installation. Refer to figure 4-26 and install
the manifold in reverse order of removal.
each part in solvent and remove contaminants by
brushing. Allow parts to dry thoroughly. Coat parts
with a thin film of light lubricating oil or per-
servative oil before assembly.
4-41. Manhole Assembly
a. Vent Assembly. The manhole cover assembly
(7, fig. 4-27) is provided with a vent assembly (6)
located in the cover.