TM 5-4320-306-10CHAPTER 2OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSSection I. DESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR'SCONTROLS AND INDICATORSWARNINGPersonal injury may result if the engine is not turned off during service or maintenance.Table 2-1. Operator's Controls and IndicatorsKeyControl or IndicatorFunction1PUMP SUCTION gageSuction pressure gage displays pump suction conditions ona dial graduated from 0 to 30 inches (0 to 762 mm) ofmercury, vacuum, and 0 to 200 pounds per square inch(psi) (0 to 1378 kPa) pressure.2PUMP DISCHARGE gageDisplays pump discharge pressure on a dial graduatedfrom 0 to 200 psi (0 to 1378 kPa) pressure.2-1
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