TM 5-4320-306-10
The US612ACD six-inch flood and transfer pump unit is a skid-mounted, diesel-engine-driven, self-priming centriful
pump. It is designed to pump petroleum products or potable water at a maximum operational output cf 1250 gpm (4730
L/min) at 180 FT HD for water and 212 FT HD for petroleum. Greater value of head for petroleum is due to it's lighter
weight. The pumping assembly is ventilated and protected so it can operate continuously during periods of blowing sand.
The self-priming centrifugal pump is directly coupled to a turbocharged diesel engine. Controls are contained in the
control panel mounted at the front of the assembly. The pump and engine are mounted on a skid assembly.
CONTROL SYSTEM (1). The control system is used to operate and control the centrifugal pump unit. Suction and
discharge pressure is controlled by manually adjusting engine speed. There are three automatic safety controls. The
unit automatically shuts down if the engine runs too fast, if oil pressure drops below 40 psi (276 kPa), or if lube oil
temperature gets too hot. The system control panel is mounted at the front of the centrifugal pump unit.
ENGINE (2). The engine provides turning force to the pump rotor. The engine flywheel is coupled to the drive shaft of
the pump impeller. The engine is bolted to the skid frame.