TM 5-4320-302-14
j. Remove discharge hose from check valve body assembly (discharge).
k. Coat all accessible flange and part surfaces with MIL-L-21260 preservative oil, Type I, Grade 30.
Wipe excess oil from intake and discharge port threads and cover port openings.
I. Remove pump drain plug and pour approximately one quart of MIL-L-21260 preservative oil,
Type I, Grade 30, into pump body. Replace pump drain plug.
Severe burns, illness, or death may result if personnel fail
to handle diesel fuel oil properly. Observe the following
Do not inhale vapor.
Do not handle fuel near open flame, sparks, or excessive
Be certain fuel lines and connections are secure.
Work in a well-ventilated area.
m. Drain crankcase and fuel tank into suitable metal containers.
n. Remove pump drain plug and drain preservative oil. This will leave a protective coating of
preservative oil on interior surface of pump. Replace pump drain plug.
o. Tape rain cap in place and oil the cap surfaces. Seal air cleaner inlet hose with a moisture-
proof, vaporproof tape.