TM 5-4320-300-14
Subject, Para
Subject, Para
Nomenclature Cross-Reference List, 1-6
Radiator, 4-38, 6-14
Rainy Conditions, Operation Under, 2-10
Records, Maintenance, 1-2
Relay, Time Dealy, 4-42
(See Specific Items)
Cooler, 6-5
Filter, 4-33
(See Specific Items)
Lines, and Fittings, 4-35
Repair Parts, 4-3
Pressure Cutout Switch, 4-34
Pressure Gage Tube Assembly, 4-35
(See Specific Items)
Pump, 6-6
Reporting Equipment Improvement
Operating Procedure, 2-5
Recommendations, 1-5
Reports, Maintenance, 1-2
In Extreme Cold, 2-6
Rods, Connecting, 6-10
In Extreme Heat, 2-7
In High Altitudes, 2-8
In Salt Water Areas, 2-11
In Sandy or Dusty Areas, 12-9
Safety, Care, and Handling, 1-14
Technical Principles of, 1-15
Salt Water Areas, Operation in, 2-11
Under Rainy or Humid Conditions, 2-10
Sandy Areas, Operation in, 2-9
Under Usual Conditions, 2-3
Scope, 1-1
Operator's Controls and Indicators, 2-1
Seals, Pump Assembly, 5-21
Organizational Maintenance Procedures, 4-11
Securing Trailer at Site, 2-5
Overspeed Governor, 5-14
Servicing Equipment Upon Receipt, 4-5
Setup Instructions, 2-5, 4-7
Shaft Assembly, Cooling Fan, 5-17
Shaft, Pump Assembly, 5-21
Shipment, Preparation for, 1-4, 4-49
Pipe, Exhaust, 4-16
Shock Absorbers, 4-47
Pistons and Connecting Rods, 6-10
Short Term Storage, 4-51
Preparation for Starting, 2-5
Solenoid, Air Shutdown, 4-25, 5-8
Preparation for Storage and Shipment, 1-4, 4-49
Special Tools, 4-2
Preparation for Use, 2-3
Speed Regulating Throttle Cable, 4-24
Pressure Cutout Switch, Low Oil, 4-34
Springs, 4-46
Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
Starter Motor Assembly, 4-21, 5-6
Operator/Crew, 2-2
Starting, 2-5
Organizational, 4-8
Starting Aid Control Cable, 4-30
Priming, Fuel System, 4-26
Stoplights, Taillight and Blackout, 4-48
Principles of Operation, 1-15
Stopping, 2-5
Procedures, Maintenance
Direct Support, 5-3
Administrative, 4-50
General Support, 6-3
Intermediate Term, 4-52
Organizational, 4-11
Short Term, 4-51
Pulley, Cooling Fan, 5-17
Storage, Preparation for, 1-4, 4-49
Strainer, Fuel, 4-28
Fuel, 5-11
Oil, 6-6
Hose Installation, 2-5
Water, 4-37, 6-13
Line, 5-10
Pump Assembly
Plate, 1-11
Equipment Data, 1-13
Suction Companion Flange, 4-40
Maintenance, 5-20
Suction Gage Valves, Lines, Hoses, and
Pump Unit, Centrifugal, Principles of
Fittings, 5-19
Operation, 1-15
Support Equipment, 4-2
Index 3