TM 5-4320-300-14
EXHAUST-The gases that leave the engine through the tailpipe while the engine is running.
EXPENDABLE-An item that is not repairable and is discarded if damaged.
EXPOSURE-Being in the presence of something, or in contact with something. Skin is exposed to cleaning solvent when
the solvent contacts the skin during cleaning operations.
FILTER-A device which removes dirt from the air or a fluid.
FLASH POINT-The lowest temperature at which the vapors of a solvent will ignite and burn.
FLUID-A substance that can flow; that is, either a gas or a liquid.
FORD-To cross a body of water.
FRAYED-Something which has been worn away or unraveled, usually by rubbing.
FRETTING-A wearing away or corroding of an area.
GASKET-A seal or packing used between matched machine parts or around pipe joints to prevent the escape of gas or
GOGGLES-A device used to protect the eyes from dust, dirt, flying chips, etc.
IMMERSE-To completely cover by fluid.
INHALATION-The act of breathing in. The breathing in or inhalation of' carbon monoxide can cause illness or death.
INITIAL-The first or starting condition.
LEGIBLE-Capable of being read. A legible nameplate can be read; an illegible plate cannot.
MALFUNCTION-Occurs when a unit fails to operate normally.
MANUFACTURER-The company which makes an item or piece of equipment for sale.
MATERIEL-Equipment, apparatus, and supplies of an organization such as an army.
OBSTRUCTION-An obstacle.
Glossary 3