TM 5-4320-300-14
PIVOT A short rod or shaft about which a related part rotates; the act of turning on or as if on a pivot.
PORT - A threaded hole through which fluid may pass, or pressure may be measured. Ports on the pump are used to
connect hoses, and to measure pressure.
PRIME - The act of introducing a liquid into a pump to increase the pump's ability to overcome negative head pressure.
RACE - A grooved part of a component, such as a bearing, in which a moving part slides or rolls.
RADIATING - Spreading out from a center.
RECOMMENDATIONS - Suggestions for change; advice given usually to make an improvement.
REQUIRE - To demand or need.
RESPIRATION - The process of breathing; inhaling and exhaling.
SATURATED - Soaked or drenched with a liquid.
SCALDING - Burning with hot liquid or steam.
SCOPE - The extent of an activity or concept; the amount of information covered as in a book.
SEIZURE - The act of being held, bound; unable to function as usual.
SKIVE - To shave or cut off the surface of rubber.
SOLVENT - A liquid that can dissolve another substance.
SYMPTOM - The external sign or indication of a condition.
TIEDOWN - Strap or fastening device used to hold an object in position.
TORQUE Force around an axis. It produces a rotary or twisting motion, and is measured in foot pounds (ft lb) or newton-
meters (Nm).
TRANSVERSE - Situated or lying across; crosswise.
VALVE - A device used to control the flow of a fluid.
VAPOR The gaseous form of any substance which is usually a liquid; vapors are present in the air around the substance.
VENTILATE - To provide with a source of fresh or uncontaminated air.
VISUAL - Visible; detected by the unaided eye.
VOLATILE - Evaporates rapidly at normal temperatures and pressures; unstable.
Glossary 4