TM 5-4320-300-146-9. VALVES, CAMSHAFT, AND TIMING GEARS (CONT)Location/ItemActionRemarksREMOVAL/INSTALLATIONOF VALVE GUIDENOTEOnly remove valve guides that have not passed inspection.32. Valve guidePosition cylinder head, bottom side upremovalon 2 inch thick wood blocks. Drive eachvalve guide out of cylinder head withthe valve guide remover.CAUTIONTop of valve guide must be 0.010 to 0.040 inch (0.254 to 1.016 mm) from top of cylinder head rail.33. Valve guidePosition valve guide squarely in bore in cyl-installationinder head and press gently with an arborpress to install guide.REMOVAL/CLEANING/INSTALLATIONOF VALVE SEAT INSERT34. Valve seatImmerse cylinder head for 30insertminutes in water heated toremoval1800 to 200°F (820 to 93°C).Place cylinder head on work-bench. Remove valve seatinsert.6-67
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