TM 5-4320-218-15
1 camshaft journal should be between
(3) Assemble the oil seal in its retainer
1.8723 and 1.8732 inches. The small-
and press the assembly into the main
er No. 2 journal should be between
bearing plate with the retainer facing
1.2473 and 1.2482 inches.
toward the exterior face of the plate.
(4) Measure the camshaft journals and
(4) Press the bearing cup into the main
the carmshaft bores in the crankcase.
bearing plate.
(5) Apply a coat of bearing grease to the
0.0035 inch, try measuring a new cam-
shaft and again note the difference in
Coat the cups with grease.
dimensions. If the difference in diam-
eters still exceeds 0.0035 inch, re-
(6) Carefully lead the crankshaft into the
place the crankcase. If the difference
crankcase through the rear opening of
in diameter is less than 0.002 inch,
the crankcase. Engage the crankshaft
g e a r in the gear train so that the
ream and hone the crankshaft bores.
(5) I n s p e c t the tappets. If they show
punched timing mark on the camshaft
signs of wear, replace them. Replace
gear alines with the timing mark of
a defective or worn adjusting screw.
the crankshaft gear.
(6) Inspect the splash plates for bends or
(7) Apply a thin coat of grease to the two
dents. Ordinarily they should be in
gaskets (26). Position the thicker
good condition. Repair a bent or dent-
gaskets (24) around the rear opening
ed splash plate.
of the crankcase and the gasket on
the main bearing plate.
118. Crankshaft and Camshaft
(8) Install the bearing plate and shims on
Reassembly and Installation
a. Camshaft.
(1) Position the two splash plates (43,
en the cap screws to 25-30 foot-pounds
them with the cap screws (41) and
(9) Use a dial indicator, and set its con-
(2) Apply a thin coat of oil to the tappets
tact point against the end of the crank-
shaft. With a screwdriver, pry the
crankshaft back and forth, being care-
prop under the tappets so as to clear
ful not to damage the connecting-rod
j o u r n a l s . If the end play of the
the camshaft when it is installed.
(3) Apply a thin coat of oil to the cam-
crankshaft exceeds 0.004 inch, re-
shaft (4), and install it in the crank-
move shims to adjust. Add shims if
case. Install a new expansion plug.
there is not at least 0,002 inch end
Remove the props from under the
(10) Install the connecting rods and pis-
b. Crankshaft.
(1) Press the bearing cones (14, fig. 33)
(11) Install the idler and camshaft gears
on the crankshaft.
(2) I n s t a l l the key (10) in the crank-
(12) Install the gear cover (par. 1 0 8 f .
shaft keyway. Aline the keyvvay in
(13) Install the fuel pump (par. 54d).
the crankshaft gear (16) with the in-
stalled key, and press the gear in the
(14) Install the cylinder heads and valves