TM 5-4320-215-12
20. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below O°F.)
a. General. Operation of the pumping unit in
extreme cold requires special precautions and extra
servicing if proper operation is to be achieved.
b. Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank full at all
times. Service the fuel pump sediment bowl and fuel
strainer daily (TM 5-2805-209-12).
c. Lubrication. Lubricate the pumping unit in
accordance with the current lubrication order.
d. Electrical System. Before starting the engine,
wipe the engine electrical system components free of
ice and moisture. Do not disturb electrical wiring since it
becomes brittle with extreme cold. Allow the wiring to
warm up before attempting to bend it. To lessen the
possibility of damage to the batteries and to increase
efficiency, be sure that the batteries are fully charged.
Run the engine for approximately 1
hour after adding water to the
batteries. This will permit added
water to mix with the electrolyte
and prevent freezing.
e. Pump. When operating the unit in a
temperature below 0° F., the use of warm water in
priming the pump will thaw ice films on the impeller and
seal the prevent damage. Do not use hot water in
extremely cold weather because this may result in
cracking the chamber. When not in use, drain the
pump. If water is allowed to stand in the pump, freezing
may burst the chamber.
21. Operation in Extreme Heat
a. General. Operation of the pumping unit under
extremely high temperatures requires special servicing
and precautions. If the unit is to be operated indoors,
make sure the ventilation is adequate.
b. Fuel System. Do not fill the fuel tank too full.
Allow sufficient room for fuel expansion.
c. Lubrication. Lubricate the pumping unit in
accordance with the current lubrication order.
22. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
a. General. If the installation of the pumping unit
is permanent, erect a protective shelter for the unit. In
temporary installations take advantage of natural
barriers as much as possible. Keep the unit as clean as
b. Lubrication. In dusty or sandy areas, the oil
filter and air cleaner must be serviced more frequently
than under normal conditions. For service of the oil
filter and air cleaner, refer to TM 5-280-209-12. Be sure
that the lubricant containers are tightly sealed and
stored in an area as free as possible from dust and
c. Fuel System. Take the necessary precautions
to keep dirt and grit from entering the fuel system.
Clean the fuel strainer each time the fuel supply is
replenished (TM 5-2805209-12).
23. Operation Under Rainy or Humid Conditions
When the pumping unit is operated outdoors,
erect a shelter, if possible, to protect-the unit. If the
erection of a shelter is not possible, keep the pumping
unit covered with a canvas or other waterproof device
when inoperative. Remove the cover during dry periods
and allow the unit to dry out. Keep the fuel tank full to
prevent forming of condensation.
24. Operation in Salt Water Areas
a. General. Salt water causes a corrosive action
on metal. Care must be taken to avoid contact of
equipment with salt water. If the unit is exposed to salt
water, wash the unit frequently with fresh water.
b. Painting. Paint all exposed metal surfaces
Refer to TM 9-2851. Coat all exposed polished surfaces
with standard-issue, rustproofing material, if available,
or cover with a light coat of grease
25. Operation at High Altitudes
The pumping unit is designed to operate at
elevations up to 5,000 feet above sea level without