TM 5-3820-276-10-2
Tools supplied on the vehicle are to be used for Preventive Maintenance Checks
and Services (PMCS). Rags are also required for removing dirt and grease.
PMCS intervals should be performed more frequently when operating under
adverse conditions.
This section contains operator level PMCS requirements for the Water Well Drilling System consisting of a Water
Well Drilling Rig (WWDR), Water Well Support Vehicle (WWSV), Mud Cleaning System (MCS), Portable Air
Compressor (PAC), grouter, and welder/generator. The PMCS tables contain checks and services necessary to
ensure vehicles and support equipment are ready for operation. Operator maintenance is performed at specified
intervals using the PMCS tables.
The PMCS section covers all of the major components: WWDR, WWSV, MCS, PAC, and two minor components:
Grouter and Welder/Generator. Each component has it's own PMCS work package consisting of Before, During,
and After checks. The work packages are further divided by tables related to Road and Towing PMCS
requirements and Drilling Operation requirements. The division of the PMCS was designed to limit the PMCS
required, based on operations to be performed (i.e. moving of equipment or drilling operations).
If you are the first time operator of the WWDS, you must complete the Before PMCS, including the Road and
Towing PMCS and the Drilling Operation PMCS. After equipment is setup at the drill site, only the Drilling
Operation PMCS is required. Before equipment is removed from drill site, the Before checks of the Road and
Towing PMCS must be performed.
Due to time restraints and amount of checks to be performed, it is recommended that PMCS checks be performed
with multiple teams consisting of two to three personnel.
Inspecting for good condition is generally a visual inspection to determine if components are safe or serviceable.
Components in good condition are: not bent or twisted, chafed, burned, broken, or cracked. There should be no
signs of excessive wear, fraying, dents, collapsing, tears, cuts, or deterioration.
Damage is any condition that affects safety or prevents a part or assembly from functioning normally, or would
render the vehicle or support equipment unserviceable for mission requirements.
Every mission begins and ends with paperwork. Completed forms and records have several uses. They are a
permanent record of services, repairs, and modifications made to vehicle or support equipment. They are reports
to maintenance personnel and to the Commander. They serve as a checklist to track previous vehicle or support
equipment malfunctions and repair actions. For information needed on forms and records, refer to DA PAM 750-8
Cleanliness: Dirt, grease, oil, and debris can conceal serious problems. Use solvent cleaning compound
on all metal surfaces and soapy water on rubber.
Bolts, Nuts, and Screws: Check for loose bolts, nuts, and screws, as well as for those that are missing,
bent, or broken, and tighten or replace as necessary. If parts cannot be checked with a tool, look for signs
of chipped paint, bare metal, or rust around bolt heads.