TM 10-930-23-1 38P
DISPENSING NOZZLE (6). There are two dispensing nozzles Fuel can be dispensed from either, or
both nozzles, as desired.
HOSE REEL HOSES (7). There are two hoses. Each hose supplies fuel from the hose reel to the
dispensing nozzle.
FILTER/SEPARATOR (8). The filter/separator removes contaminates from the fuel as the fuel flows
from the pump to the dispensing nozzles. Any solid impurities and water in the fuel being pumped is trapped in
the filter elements. The elements hold the solid particles and the water collects and settles to the bottom where
it can be removed periodically through the draincock. The main components are as follows:
Four Cannisters
Four Filter Elements
One Differential Pressure Gauge
One Water Level Sight Gauge
One Draincock
ON-OFF CABLE ASSEMBLY (9). When connected to the junction box, controls operation of the
electric motor which drives the pump. (May be exchanged for Item (i1).) When the control cable is connected to
the junction box, moving the ON-OFF switch (10) to the ON position starts the electric motor and pump
assembly. Moving the switch to the OFF position stops the electric motor.
TOGGLE SWITCH ASSEMBLY (11). Auxiliary control switch mounts directly to junction box.
Operates the same as ON-OFF SWITCH (10). (May be used instead of Item (9).)