TM 10-4320-344-242.23.3 TongueJackandTripodAssemblyMaintenance.This task covers: Removal2.22.3.4 Assembly2.23.3.2 Disassembly2.23.3.5 Installation2.23.3.3 RepairINITIALSETUPEquipment ConditionsToolsPumping station shut down, TM 10-4320-General Mechanic’s Automotive344-10.Tool Kit, Appendix B, SectionIII, Item 1General Safety InstructionsMotor Vehicle Maintenance Trestle,Do not work on equipment that is notAppendix B, Section III, Item 2securely stabilized to prevent rollingo r s l i d i n g.Material/PartsDo not work on equipment without follow-Cotter Pins (TM 10-4320-344-24P)ing standard shop safety practices.Lock Washers (TM 10-4320-344-24P)This procedure applies to Model 609-C. The procedures for Models 609-A andUS636HCCD-1 are similar. Removal.To prevent injury to personnel, use caution when installing and removingtrestles beneath trailer assembly. Ensure trestles are adequate to supportweight of pumping assembly. Equipment slippage or falling could result inserious personnel injury or death.a.Install trestles beneath trailer (Figure 2-170, 1) to support weight oftrailer at a minimum of three points.b .Remove two cotter pins (2), flat washers (3), and drive out pivot pin (4).Discard cotter pins (2).c .Remove two nuts (5), lock washers (6), bolts (7), and tongue jack and tripodassembly.Discard lock washers (6).a .Remove nut (8), lock washer (9), bolt (10), and tongue jack (11). Discardlock washer (9).b .Remove nut (12), lock washer (13), bolt (14), and pad (15) from tripod (16).Discard lock washer (13). Repair.a.Inspect all components and mounting hardware for damage.b.Replace all defective components.2-381NOTE2.23.3.2 Disassembly.
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