a .
b .
c .
d .
TM 10-4320-344-24
Remove eight nuts (Figure 2-100, suction elbow (2), and gasket (3) from
pump assembly (4). Discard gasket (3).
Step b applies to Model 609-C only.
Remove eight nuts (5), screws (6), discharge elbow (7), and gasket (8) from
discharge elbow (9). Discard gasket (8).
Remove eight nuts (10), discharge elbow (9), and gasket (11) from pump
assembly (4). Discard gasket (11).
Step d applies to Model US636HCCD-1 only.
Remove two pipe couplings from suction elbow (2) and discharge elbow (9). Installation.
Step a applies to Model US636HCCD-1 only.
a .
Install two pipe couplings on suction elbow (2) and discharge elbow (9).
b .
Install new gasket (11) and discharge elbow (9) securing with eight nuts (10).
Progressively torque nuts (10) to 190 ft-lbs (258 Nm).
Step c applies to Model 609-C only.
c .
Install new gasket (8) and discharge elbow (7) securing with eight screws (6)
and nuts (5). Progressively torque nuts (5) to 190 ft-lbs (258 Nm).
Install new gasket (3) and suction elbow (2) on pump assembly (4) securing
with eight nuts (1). Progressively torque nuts (1) to 190 ft-lbs (258 Nm).