TM 10-4320-344-10 Manual Mode.
Downline pumping assemblies can be damaged if suction pressure falls below
10 psi.
Any pumping assembly can be damaged if discharge pressure rises
above 150 psi.
Suction and discharge pressures will vary depending on operating conditions
and engine speed.
i .
j .
k .
Monitor suction pressure on PUMP SUCTION PRESSURE gauge (8) .
Also monitor
discharge pressure on PUMP DISCHARGE PRESSURE gauge (1).
I f s u c t i on
pressure falls below 10 psi or discharge pressure rises above 150 psi,
reduce engine speed to regain proper pressure as follows:
(1) Turn MANUAL THROTTLE (6) counterclockwise to decrease engine speed.
Decrease engine speed until reading on PUMP SUCTION PRESSURE gauge (8)
and reading on PUMP DISCHARGE PRESSURE gauge (1) are within proper
(2) If required, reduce engine speed to idle (650 rpm on ENGINE SPEED
indicator (9)) until problem is corrected.
If required, use MANUAL THROTTLE (6) to control pump output by adjusting
engine speed.
Pump output is related to discharge pressure.
Observe PUMP
DISCHARGE PRESSURE gauge (1) and use MANUAL THROTTLE (6) to adjust engine
Turn MANUAL THROTTLE (6) clockwise to increase engine speed and
discharge pressure.
Turn it counterclockwise to decrease engine speed and
discharge pressure.
Perform During PMCS (Table 2-11).
prevent damage to engine,
f u l l - l o a d r u n n i n g .
l .
Shut down Model 609-C as
To stop engine, turn
engine idle for 2 or
DO NOT shut down engine suddenly from
f o l l o w s:
MANUAL THROTTLE ( 6 ) f u l l y c o u n t e r c l o c k w i s e . L et
3 minutes.
Set ENGINE switch (2) to STOP
p o s i t i o n.
Engine will shut down.
Unlock AUTO DEFEAT handle (5), push fully in, and lock in this
p o s i t i o n.
Set MAIN POWER switch (7) to OFF position.
Close control panel door.
Perform "After" PMCS (Table 2-11). Automatic Mode.
Refer to Figure 2-25 and start and operate pumping assembly as
f o l l o w s:
Perform Before PMCS (Table 2-11).
Turn MANUAL THROTTLE (8) fully clockwise.