TM 10-4320-315-24
1-7. Safety, Care, and Handling. Safe and efficient pumping assembly operations depend on the observance of well
established safety practices and a thorough knowledge of operating procedures. The operating procedures often involve
using equipment and materials that are potentially hazardous. Injury to personnel and damage to equipment caused by
fire, and misuse of equipment can be avoided by alert and responsible operators and technicians. Strict observance to
established safety, care, and handling practices and procedures will allow personnel to perform their duties in a safe and
hazard-free environment.
General Precautions. The following are general safety precautions that need to be observed by all operators of
the pumping assembly.
Always be mindful of operations in progress. Never allow horseplay or loud talking that would divert the attention
of operators or technicians. If the pumping assembly is left unattended, be sure no safety hazard will result
because of absence.
Whenever in doubt concerning this operation, consult qualified authority for advice.
Do not attempt unauthorized shortcuts to save time, as they generally are not in accordance with safe
Be prepared for any emergencies which may arise, and be familiar with the proper action to take in event of
When ending daily operations, make a thorough and orderly check of equipment to be sure that no hazards may
develop during the time that pumping assembly is unattended.
Preventing Fire. The following fire prevention rules must be observed:
Do not smoke in the vicinity of the engine or fuel tank.
Never us open flames in the vicinity of the engine or fuel tank.
Clean up liquid spills immediately.
Always pour acid into water; never pour water into acid.
Store oily rags in metal, airtight container.
Extinguishing Fires. Do not use water for extinguishing oil fires because it will spread the fire. Water is a
conductor of electricity and should not be used on electrical fires.
Electrical Safety. The following electrical safety precautions apply to all operators and maintenance personnel
for the pumping assembly.
Equipment producing a tingle sensation will be reported promptly for repair.
Be sure insulation and wire size are adequate for the voltage and current to be carried.
Work on electrical devices should be done after the power has been disconnected or shut off, and suitable
precautions taken to keep the power off during the work.
Never use metallic pencils or rulers, or wear rings or watches when working on electrical equipment.
Avoid using or storing flammable liquids near electrical equipment.