TM 10-4320-315-24
Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use ................................................................................................. 1-3
Equipment Data ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-11
Equipment Characteristics, Capabilities, and Features .............................................................................................. 1-9
Functional Description of Pumping Assembly .......................................................................................................... 1-12
Location and Description of Major Components ....................................................................................................... 1-10
Maintenance Forms, Records, and Reports ............................................................................................................... 1-2
Nomenclature Cross-Reference List .......................................................................................................................... 1-8
Preparation for Storage or Shipment ......................................................................................................................... 1-4
Principles of Operation ............................................................................................................................................ 1-13
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) .............................................................................................................. 1-5
Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIRs) .................................................................................. 1-6
Safety, Care, and Handling ....................................................................................................................................... 1-7
Scope ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1-1. Scope.
Type of Manual. Unit, Direct Support, and General Support Maintenance Manual.
Model Number and Equipment Name. Pumping Assembly, Water, 600 GPM, Model No. 6 X 6 SP6, NSN 4320-
01-314-8844 (hereafter called pumping assembly).
Purpose of Equipment. The pumping assembly is a component of water distribution systems. It is used either
singularly or in series with other pumps to supply drinking water from a source to one or more distribution points.
1-2. Maintenance Forms, Records, and Reports. Department of the Army forms and procedures used for equipment
maintenance will be those prescribed by DA Pam 738-750, The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).
1-3. Destruction of Army Materiel to Prevent Enemy Use. Command decisions, according to tactical situation, will
determine when destruction of the pumping assembly will be accomplished. A destruction plan will be prepared by the
using organization, unless one has been prepared by higher authority. For general destruction procedures for this
equipment, refer to TM 750244-3, Procedures for Destruction of Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use.
1-4. Preparation for Storage or Shipment. Refer to Sections IV and V of Chapter 2 for requirements concerning these
1-5. Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC). The quality of the pumping assembly must at all times be in
compliance with the requirements set forth by AMCPM-PWL. If a discrepancy is found to exist, notify your supervisor.
1-6. Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIRs). If your Pumping assembly needs improvement,
let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only one who can tell us what you don't like about your equipment.
Let us know why you don't like the design or performance. Put it on an SF 368 (Product Quality Deficiency Report). Mail
it to us at Commander, U.S. Army Troop Support Command, ATTN: AMSAT-I-MDO 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St.
Louis, Missouri 63120-1798. We'll send you a reply.