TM 10-4320-309-14
TM 4320-14/1
(4) Position plastic reel (7) again on the cover spindle and verify spring end will catch in the reel hub slot.
(5) Lubricate spring sparingly with silicon grease.
Replace Recall Starter Rope
It is not necessary to disassemble the mechanism to
replace the rope.
It is a good Idea to replace the starter rope whenever
another component of recoil starter Is replaced. If the
starter rope is frayed or worn, replace it.
(1) Use the appropriate replacement nylon-braided rope.
(2) To replace the rope, pull the rope out all the way with a slow firm pull.
(3) Prevent plastic reel (7) from rewinding by bracing the raised plastic cup on the reel with a screwdriver.
(4) Untie or cut the knot in the raised plastic cup on the reel and slide the old rope out.
(5) If the old rope has broken, wind the plastic reel completely, then release one complete turn before
installing new rope. This protects the spring from being overwound when the rope is pulled.
(6) Select new rope. Singe both ends of the nylon rope with a match flame to prevent fraying.
(7) Tie a knot in the rope and feed through plastic reel (7). Use a paper clip or a small piece of wire hooked
in the end of rope to thread through the holes.
(8) Attach T-handle (2). Pull enough rope through the handle and make a knot.
(9) Remove bracing screwdriver and let reel rewind rope slowly.
(10) Check the starter for proper operation before installing the starter on the engine.
Check the recoil starter for operation before installing it on the engine.
Position the recoil starter assembly on the cooling case cover. Push the cam back into the assembly if it
is extended.
Install four bolts (1).
Untie the temporary knot in the rope and feed the rope through the baffle grommet.
If a new rope was installed, singe the end of the rope with a match flame to prevent fraying.
Install T-handle on the rope. Thread enough rope through the T-handle to make a knot.
Tie a knot in the rope and pull it against the hole in the T-handle. Stuff excess rope into the T-handle
Check recoil starter for operation on the engine.