TM 10-4320-307-24
Death or serious injury could occur if unauthorized or unnecessary personnel are
in the hoisting area. Permit only personnel actually engaged in the hoisting
operation to be near the unit and hoisting equipment. All instructions for the
hoisting operations must come from one authorized person.
Injury to personnel or damage to equipment could occur from improper hoisting.
Hoist the load slowly to avoid tearing out lifting bail assembly, slipping slings, or
load shift. Do not jerk the load or swing it from side to side when hoisting. This
places additional stress on hoisting components which can cause failure and loss
of load. Be sure hoisting equipment is on solid footing and is suitable for the size
of the load. Watch boom angle and overhead clearance when hoisting.
Do not attempt to manually roll the pump unit down an inclined ramp.
The complete pumping assembly weighs 17,108 pounds crated with a dry fuel
tank. Never attempt to lift the pumping assembly with suction and discharge
piping installed or while it is operating.
Lift the pumping assembly to its operational site using forklift pockets in skid base.
Ensure pumping assembly is placed in an acceptable location in accordance with paragraph 2-8.
The pumping assembly is shipped in a close-fitting, rectangular, wood-cleated plywood shipping cover. The
pumping unit is completely assembled except for the muffler, air intake duct, air cleaner cap, fluids, grounding
system, suction and discharge nozzle adapters. The shipping housing is reusable and care must be taken
during dismantling to preserve the material and fasteners for use at a later date
Inspect shipping crate for damage that may have been caused during shipment. Report any damage on SF
364, Quality Deficiency Report
Check the equipment against the packing slip to see if shipment is complete. Report all discrepancies In
accordance with the instructions of DA PAM 738-750
Check to see if the equipment has been modified.
INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT. Prior to operation, the pumping assembly requires installation of the
following components: intake duct muffler and muffler guard, suction and discharge nozzle adapters, and grounding
assembly. Refer to paragraphs 2-12.1 through 2-12.3 for procedures