ances of the same item will have the letters
REF in the applicable allowance column. To
locate the referenced item locate the FSN or
reference number in the index. The earliest figure
and item number is the referenced item. Items
authorized for use as required but not for initial
stockage are identified with an asterisk in the
allowance column.
(2) The quantitative allowances for DS/GS
levels of maintenance will represent initial stock-
age for 30-day period for the number of equip-
ments supported.
(3) To determine allowances when support-
ing more than 100 of these equipments: First, di-
vide the number of equipments supported by 100
by moving the decimal two places left; second,
multiply the result by the quantity in the 51-100
density column. Example, authorized allowance
for 51-100 equipments is 40; for 150 equipments
multiply 40 by 1.50 or 60 parts required.
h. One-Year Allowance Per 100 Equipments/
Contingency Planning Purposes. Indicates oppo-
site the first appearance of each item the total
quantity required for distribution and contingen-
cy planning purposes. The range of items indi-
cates total quantities of all authorized items re-
quired to provide for adequate support of 100
equipments for one year. Subsequent appearances
of the same item will have the letters REF in
the allowance column.
i. Illustration. This column is divided as fol-
lows :
(1) Figure number. Indicates the figure num-
ber of the illustration in which the item is shown.
(2) Item number. Indicates the callout num-
ber used to reference the item in the illustration.
4. Special Information
a. Repair parts mortality has been based on
4000 hours operation per year.
b. Parts which require manufacture or as-
sembly at a category higher than that authorized.
for installation will indicate in the source column
the higher category.
c. The following publications pertain to the
tank and pump unit and
TM 5-4930-227-14
LO 5-4930-227-12
its components:
Operator, Organization-
al, Direct and General
Support Maintenance
Lubrication Order
d. The same illustrations are used to illustrate
the repair parts and special tools listed in both
organizational maintenance section and direct
and general support maintenance section.
5. How to Locate Repair Parts
a. When Federal stock number or reference
number is unknown:
(1) First. Using the table of contents deter-
mine the assembly group within which the repair
part belongs. This is necessary since illustrations
are prepared for assembly groups, and listings
are divided into the same groups.
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering
the assembly group to which the repair part be-
(3) Third. Identify the repair part on the il-
lustration and note the illustration figure and
item number of the repair part.
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Parts Listings,
find the assembly group to which the repair part
belongs and locate the illustration figure and item
noted on the illustration.
b. When Federal stock number or reference is
(1) First. Using the Index of Federal Stock
Numbers and Reference Numbers find the perti-
nent Federal stock number or reference num-
ber. This index is in ascending FSN sequence
followed by a list of reference numbers in alpha-
numeric sequence, cross-referenced to the illus-
tration figure number and item number.
(2) Second. Using the Repair Parts Listing,
find the assembly group of the repair part and
the illustration figure number and item number
referenced in the Index of Federal Stock Num-
bers and Reference Numbers.
c. When the Federal stock number or reference
number is known and the repair part is not il-
(1) First. Using the Index of Federal Stock
Numbers and Reference Numbers find the perti-
nent Federal stock number or reference number
in the section titled Items not Illustrated and
note the group number. This section is in as-
cending FSN sequence followed by a list of refer-
ence numbers in alpha-numeric sequence, cross-
-referenced to assembly group number.
(2) Second. Using the Table of Contents, lo-
cate the assembly group number and page num-