TM 5-4930-227-14
2-1. Inspection and Servicing Equipment
a. Inspection.
(1) Inspect the identification plates for posi-
tive identification of the equipment.
(2) Make a thorough inspection of the
pumping assembly and tanks for damage which
may have occurred during shipment.
(3) Check the equipment against the pack-
ing list to make certain all items are accounted
for and in serviceable condition.
(4) Inspect the components for loose or
missing mounting hardware and loose connec-
(1) Turn the engine with the starter rope
to make sure all moving parts are free.
b. Servicing.
(1) Lubricate the engine in accordance with
lubrication order LO 5-4930-227-12.
(2) Perform preventive maintenance checks
and services ( para 3-7).
(3) Correct all deficiencies or report them
to direct support maintenance.
2-2. Installation of Separately Packed
The tanks and pumping unit are shipped on in-
dividual skids. Refer to paragraph 2-3 for instal-
lation of these components.
2-3. Installation or Setting-Up Instructions
a. General. The tank and pump unit is design-
ed for mounting in trucks. Three types of block-
ing frames have been devised to prevent shifting
of the tank and pump unit during movement,
particularly on rough terrain. Section 1 (fig. 2-
1) is used in the 5 ton, 6x6 cargo truck M-54,
and prevents longitudinal movement. Sections 2
and 3 are also used in the M-54 cargo truck, and
in the 2 1/2 ton, 6x6 cargo trucks M-35 and
M-211. They are designed to prevent side move-
ments of the tank and pump unit. Construct
frames in empty truck bed for ease in measuring
lengths of lumber and assembling frames. Install
tank and pump unit between the frames when
the frames are constructed. Complete installation
instructions are given in b, below. Dimensions
shown in figure 2-1 must be altered slightly
to take care of individual differences in dimen-
sions of equipment. Before constructing blocking
frames, check measurements of the truck bed and
tank skids to determine centerline for mounting
of tanks. The tanks must be centered so that
section 2 blocking frames will fit properly. Also
determine centerline of pumping assembly so that
section 3 blocking frames will fit properly. As an
alternate method, tank and pump unit may be
temporarily centered in truck bed and an outline
made along sides of tank skids and pumping as-
sembly to check on dimensions used in construct-
ing blocking frames.
b. Installation.
(1) Lower tailgate of truck and remove tar-
paulin, bows, and racks with seats. Install sec-
tional blocking frame support in M-54 cargo
truck by lifting spare tire assembly and sliding
the blocking frame to a position against the rear
end of the truck body. Let spare tire rest against
rear crosspiece.
(2) Install the two parts of section 2 against
section 1, or on 2 1/2 ton cargo trucks, against
rear end of truck body.
(3) Refer to figure 2-2 and install the tanks
and pumping assembly in truck. Add the two
parts of section 3 along sides of pumping assem-
bly and against section 2 of blocking frame.
(4) Secure tanks and pumping assembly to
sides of truck bed with horizontal tiedown as-
semblies. Handtight only.
c. Tank Vertical Tiedown.
(1) Refer to figure 2-3 for identification of
tiedown strap assemblies.