TM 5-4930-227-14
RPM __________-..------.3000
$PW. No. -.--______ -_--__.l8L9l8
Net Cent bhp ___---__ 4-----4 .49
Type -__---___________4-.--4 cycle
BoFe___-._-_-___-_-.._2_-2 7/8in.
It?k,roke _____-_____-__-____-2 3/4 in.
Displacement ____---_____17l8.8 cuin.
Horsepower ------____-_--_.4.49 @ 3000rpm
Lubrication ___________--.Splash
(koling _-______--_---__AirAir
( 2 ) Carburetor.
Manu~acturer -----_____.__.&nith Carburetor Company
Mode] _____---________---_.lll9&A
Type --__-_-------_-_._-----Float feed
( 3 ) Sparkplug.
Manufacturer ____________Aut*lite Division, Ford
Motor Co.
( 4 ) Magneto.
Manufacturer _----_-_--___.Fairbanks Morse
Model ___-_____-___--.--_-.FMPElB7
( 5 ) Capacities.
Engine fuel tank -_____ -.__J gal
Engine air cleaner _..__ ---_ -.l;/8 qt
Engine crankcase --____-___.lqt
( 6 ) Adjustment data.
Spamk plug gap ----------0.030 in.
Magneto point gap --._.---_.o.ols in.
Intake valve --_A-_---o,o08 in.
Exhaust valve -__---_,0-.,O.Ol4 in.
( 7 ) Dimerwiorw and weight.
( a ) Pumping aiwembly.
Length -__--_ -__---__ -_----&in. (inches)
Width --_. __,---_ -__--__-__ .28 in.
Height _-,____ --_-,_ -_--___4949 in.
Weight ______-____---------MO lb (pound$)
( b ) Tank.
Lw@h__-_ __-____--__-__-.56 in.
Width _._--____-______-_ ~72 in.
Height _____ +___----____ 56_56 in.
Weight (empty) _---__--_--.39O lbs
1-6. Difference in Models
This manual covers only the Tank and Pump
Unit, Highland Industries Model 2000. No
known differences exist for the model covered
in this manual.