3. Wear rubber boots.
4. Use cotton waste for cleaning pur-
poses. Other material may generate static elec-
(4) Preparation of equipment:
(a) Completely drain each fuel tank or
fuel tank compartment, all piping, pumps, meters,
filters, and segregators, as applicable.
(b) Remove all accessory items, such as
gages and floats, which might entrap fuel.
(c) Close or seal all drains (it may be
necessary to locally fabricate covers for some
types of drains).
(d) Fill fuel tank and overflow for five
minutes with cold water.
(e) Drain fuel tank completely.
(f) Close or seal drains.
Caution: Insufficient amount of chemical will
result in an incomplete purging. Accurate com-
putations of amount of chemical to be added
must be made prior to the purging. Once purging
has begun, do not stop until process is complete.
(g) For each 100 gallon capacity, add 40
fluid ounces to the fuel tank. (This is equivalent
to 8 fluid ounces of concentrate for a 20-gallon
fuel tank).
(h) Fill fuel tank to
not overflow.
TM 5-4930-227-14
top with water. Do
(i) Insert air line into fuel tank filler neck
opening and agitate solution with 3 to 5 psi of
air for five minutes. Frequently move air hose
around in tanks, covering as much area as possi-
ble, especially near tie bottom and around
(j) Remove air line and drain solution
from fuel tank.
(k) Fill fuel tank and overflow for five
minutes with cold water or until water is clear.
(1) Drain fuel tank completely.
(m) Conduct a combustible vapor test
reading to determine if fuel tank is safe to repair,
clean, or paint, store or change material. If com-
bustible vapor test reading indicates tank is not
safe, repeat procedures as cited in h through m,
6-11. Protective Finish
All normally painted exterior surfaces of the tank
must be protected by enamel at all times. A prim-
er and semi-gloss enamel shall be used. The
primer should conform to specification TT-P-
666, and the enamel to specification TT-E-529.
Use standard Army olive drabcolor 2430. Refer
to TM 9-231 for general instructions.