TM 5-4930-227-14
3-41. Cleaning Tanks and Components
b. Draining Tank.
a. General. The tank and tank components
must be cleaned before any repair is initiated.
Each time a major component is removed for re-
pair, inspection or other service, all parts must
be thoroughly cleaned. Clean the discharge valve
each time the tank is drained. Clean the tank in-
terior and exterior prior to repair.
b. Components. Clean metal parts with clean-
ing solvent, Federal Specification P-S-661. Im-
merse each part in solvent and remove contami-
nants by brushing. Allow parts to dry thorough-
ly. Coat parts with a thin film of light lubri-
cating oil or perservative oil before assembly.
3-42. Manhole Assembly
a. Vent Assembly. The manhole assembly ((7)
fig. 3-32) is provided with a vent assembly
located in the cover (6).
b. Removal.
(1) Refer to figure 3-33, release cam (7)
and raise hing (15).
(2) Open manhole cover (10) and loosen
the six nuts (2) so that, hooks (4) will drop free
of tank rim.
(3) Lift manhole cover from tank.
c. Disassembly. Refer to figure 333 and dis-
assemble manhole cover.
d. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean parts with an approved cleaning
solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Impact parts for breaks, cracks, dam-
aged threads and defects. Replace a defective
e. Reassembly. Refer to figure 3-33 and reas-
semble the manhole cover.
f. Installation.
(1) Replace manhole cover on tank.
(2) Position hooks (4) on tank rim and
tighten nuts (2),
(3) Close cover (10), drop hinge (15) into
position and lock cam (7).
3-43. Pump Port
a. General. A pump port cover assembly ( (10
fig. 3-32) is provided so that a hand pump may
be used.
b. Service. Remove pump port cover and ex-
amine gasket. Replace if defective.
3-44. Drain Valve Assembly
a. General. A drain valve assembly is provided
for draining the tanks.
(1) Refer to figure 3-32 and turn handle
(9) counterclockwise to drain tank.
(2) Turn handle clockwise to close drain.
c. Removal.
(1) Remove manhole cover (para 342).
(2) Insure that tank has been completely
(3) Enter tank through manhole opening.
(4) Refer to figure 3-34 and loosen set-
screw (5).
d. Disassembly. Refer to figure 3-34 and dis-
assemble drain valve.
e. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all parts with an approved clean-
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect all parts for breaks, cracks,
and damaged threads. Replace a damaged part.
f. Reassembly. Refer to figure 3-34 and reas-
semble drain valve.
g. Installation.
(1) Tighten setscrew (5).
(2) Replace manhole cover (para 342).
3-45. Discharge Valve Assembly
a. Removal.
(1) Remove manhole cover (para 3-42).
(2) Pull control lever ((5) fig. 3-32) to
close position and remove dust cap (17).
(3) Enter tank thru manhole opening.
(4) Refer to figure 3-35, loosen adjusting
bale (6), disengage lift rod (7) from adjusting
bale and remove lift rod.
(5) Outside the tank, remove six nuts
(24) holding valve to sump ring (8) and remove
valve assembly.
b. Disassembly. Refer to figure 3-35 and dis-
assemble valve.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(1) Clean all parts with an approved clean-
ing solvent and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect all parts for cracks, breaks, or
other damage. Replace a defective part.
d. Reassembly. Refer to figure 335 and reas-
semble discharge valve.
e. Installation.
(1) Position valve body (20) cm sump ring
(8) and install nuts (24).
(2) Inside tank, place lift rod (7) in stem
(12) ancl adjusting bale (6), and tighten adjust-
ing bale.
(3) Replace manhole cover (para 3-42).