TM 5-4930-227-14
Figure 3-1. Air cleaner service.
3-5. General
To insure the tank and pump unit is ready for
operation at all times, it must be, inspected sys-
tematically so that defects may be discovered and
corrected before they result in serious damage or
failure. The necessary preventive maintenance
checks and services to be performed are listed and
described in paragraph 3-6. The item numbers
indicate the sequence of minimum inspection re-
quirements. Defects discovered during operations
of the unit will be noted for future correction,
to be made as soon as operation has ceased. Stop
operation immediately if a deficiency is noted
during operation which would damage the equip-
ment if operation were continued. All deficiencies
and shortcomings will be recorded, together
with the corrective action taken, on DA Form
2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance
Worksheet) at the earliest possible opportunity.
3-6. Preventive Maintenance Checks and
a. Table 3-1 contains a tabulated list of pre-
ventive checks and services which must be per-
formed by the operator and organizational main-
tenance personnel.