TM 5-4320-302-14
b. Suction Hose Installation.
This pump is not intended to pump trash. Due to close internal tolerances, it is advisable to keep
suction intake off of bottom when pumping.
(1) Connect the suction hose to pump suction
(2) Highest point in the suction hose should be
at the pump.
(3) Make sure that connections and pipe joints
in the suction hose are tight.
c. Discharge Hose Installation. Connect the
discharge hose to the check valve body assembly
(discharge). Be certain discharge hose is tight.
d. Preparation for Starting.
If centrifugal pump unit has been run recently, the exhaust primer assembly may be hot enough to
cause severe burns. Wear protective gloves or allow exhaust primer assembly to cool prior to
touching exhaust valve.
(1) Check position of handle. If necessary, move
handle of exhaust primer assembly from top of exhaust
valve. Check that exhaust valve is free to open and
close with exhaust gas pressure.
(2) Check position of cock valve. Cock valve shall
be closed.