TM 5-4320-300-141-14.SAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLINGa.Before operation. Do not operate the unit in an enclosed area unless the exhaust is piped to the outside. Theexhaust contains carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless, deadly poisonous gas. Do not smoke or use an open flame inthe vicinity when servicing batteries. Batteries generate hydrogen, a highly explosive gas. When filling the fuel tank,always maintain a metal-to-metal contact between the filling apparatus and the fuel tank to prevent a static spark fromigniting the diesel oil fumes.b.During operation. Do not fill the fuel tank while the engine is operating, nor attempt to perform maintenance onthe pump unit while it is in operation.c.After operation.Exercise caution when removing the radiator cap while the engine is hot. Quick removal willcause steam and hot coolant to escape, and may result in serious burns to personnel. When filling the fuel tank, alwaysmaintain metal-to-metal contact between the filling apparatus and the fuel tank to prevent a static spark from ignitingdiesel oil fumes.Section III. TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION1-15.CENTRIFUGAL PUMP UNITThe centrifugal pump mounts on a two-wheel trailer in line with a 70 horsepower diesel engine. Power from the engine istransferred to the pump through a flexible coupling. The pump is self-priming (a check valve retains water in the pumpbody), and is capable of variable speed operation. The pump has a capacity of 1500 gallons per minute at 60 foot head.The pump is equipped with 6-inch suction and discharge ports with flanges. The continuous-duty, water-cooled dieselengine uses a 12-volt electrical system, and is equipped with electric start, spin-on oil and fuel filters, a heavy-duty dry-type air cleaner, and instrumentation.1-7
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