TM 5-4320-274-14&P
with original manufacturing standards. Rebuild is the highest degree of material maintenance applied to army
equipment. The rebuild operation includes the act of returning to zero those age measurements (hours/miles, etc.)
considered in classifying army equipment/components.
d. Column 4, Maintenance Category. This column is made up of sub-columns for each category of maintenance.
Work time figures are listed in these sub-columns for the lowest level of maintenance authorized to perform the function
listed in Column 3. These figures indicate the average active time required to perform the maintenance function at the
indicated category of maintenance under typical field operating conditions.
e. Column 5, Tools and Equipment. This column is provided for referencing by code, the common tool sets (not
individual tools), special tools, test and support equipment required to perform the designated function.
Pump, Centrifugal: Frame Mounted, 1 in., MIL-P-14514, Type I,
Electric Motor Driven (E. C. Schleyer Model 4M-SE2000)