TM 5-4320-218-15
Section I. GENERAL
2. Records and Report Forms
a. This manual applies to the Pump, Centri-
For Blank forms that may be used in the
fugal, Trailer Mounted. It includes a descrip-
preparation of records, reports, and requisi-
tion, data, operation, maintenance, and field and
tions relating to the centrifugal pump unit
depot maintenance.
refer to TM 5-505.
b. Repair parts are listed in TM 5-4320-
moving parts inside the engine are
lubricated by part of the oil which en-
a. General information. The pump unit is a
t e r s the connecting rod
gasoline engine-driven, trailer-mounted, self-
through holes in the rods and by the
priming, centrifugal pump. The unit is de-
balance of the oil which forms a spray
signed for pumping gasolines, jet fuels, diesel
or mist.
fuels, light liquid petroleum fuels, and water.
(2) Cooling. Cooling is accomplished by a
A right front, three-quarter view is shown in
flow of air circulated over the cylin-
ders and heads of the engine by a
combination fan-flywheel.
b. Engine. The pump is driven by a Wiscon-
Note. Never operate the pump with any
sin Model MVG4D air-cooled gasoline engine.
part of the engine shrouding removed, because
The engine is of the four-cycle, air-coeled type.
this will retard the air cooling.
The four cylinders are designed in a 90-degree
c. Pump. The pump is a conventional type
"V". The proper combustible mixture of air
centrifugal pump designed to deliver 350 gpm
and gasoline is furnished by a float-type carbu-
(275 TDH) at approximately 80 psi (pounds
retor. The spark for ignition is furnished by a
per square inch) discharge pressure.
high-tension magneto driven by the timing
gears at crankshaft speed. The magneto is pro-
4. Identification
vided with an impulse coupling, which is design-
The pump (fig. 3) has four identification
ed to produce a powerful spark and to auto-
plates: The Quartermaster Corps identification
matically retard the timing of the spark to
plate (A), engine identification plate (B),
prevent the engine from kicking back.
pump identification plate (C), magneto identi-
fication plate (D). All plates are conspicu-
(1) Lubrication system. A gear type pump
ously mounted for ready reference and contain
supplies oil to four nozzles which di-
serial numbers, model numbers, and manufac-
rect oil streams against fins on the
turer's name.