TM 5-4320-215-12
d. Outdoor Installation. Avoid muddy, sandy, or
wet locations if possible. If it is necessary to install the
unit on soft ground, provide planking or logs for a
e. Suction and Discharge Lines. The suction and
discharge line diameters should never be less than the
diameter of their respective pump connections. They
should possibly be one or two sizes larger, based on
friction loss incurred, due to pipe and fittings in the lines.
The suction and discharge lines should not depend upon
the pump for support. They should be independently
supported to avoid pump misalinement and distortion.
f. Auxiliary Fuel Supply. If the pumping unit is to
be operated for extended periods of time, an auxiliary
fuel supply should be connected to-the auxiliary fuel
valve (fig. 2).
12. Servicing Now and Used Equipment
a. Servicing. Refer to paragraph 31 and perform
the operator's daily services.
b. Lubrication. Lubricate as described in the
current lubrication order.
c. Fuel System. Refer to table I and fill the fuel
tank with the proper grade of fuel.
d. Batteries.
(1) Refer to paragraph 10 and fill the
batteries with electrolyte.
(2) Remove and install the batteries and
connect the cables as shown by figure 4.
Figure 4. Batteries, cables, and battery box, removal and installation.