TM 10-4930-204-13
Death or serious injury may occur if proper bonding procedures are
not followed. While using method 3, an object with a different
electrical potential (any object that is not part of the bonded
system) should not come into contact with the bonded equipment
when a flammable vapor-air mixture maybe present.
3 Method 3: When the climate, terrain, or tactical condition makes it impossible to secure a
satisfactory ground rod, requirements to ground the fuel dispenser (system or refueler) may be waived;
however, the requirement to bond the fuel dispenser to the aircraft/vehicle may not be waived under
any circumstances. Method 3 relies on bonding alone. Bonding is made between the aircraft/vehicle and the
refueling system or refueler along with the nozzle and the aircraft/vehicle. A contact between an unbended
object and the system could produce a spark that could set off an explosion or fire. Method 3 procedures are
authorized by the commander of the unit one organizational level above the operating unit. This is the least
desirable method since it involves bonding only.
(3) Maintain a minimum distance of 25 feet (7.62 meters) between the vehicles being refueled.
(4) Open only filler plug of tank being filled. Do not attempt to refuel two vehicles at the same time
unless the tank and pump unit operator has an assistant who can constantly monitor the second nozzle.
(5) Open the hand valves on the sight glass assembly (fig. 2-1) and allow the sight glass to fill. if the
glass does not fill, open the petcock on the lower valve to release the air. Close the petcock when the sight
glass is full.
(6) Check the sight glass for presence of water and drain when necessary.
A petcock is located at the bottom of the left side of the filter/
separator on Models 2938 and 36W50. A pipe plug drain is located
in the same position on Models 2519 Style 1 Orr and Sembower
Models and must be removed to drain water.
(7) Attach the nozzle grounding cable clamp/bayonet connector to the vehicle to be refueled.
(8) Normally, the pump will automatically prime itself when the tanks are full by means of gravity flow.
(9) To prepare to start electric motor driven pumping assembly, connect intervehicular power cable,
with adapter (if needed), to vehicle receptacle and junction box receptacle J2 (fig. 1-4.1). Then connect
ON-OFF switch cable to junction box receptacle J1.
Do not remove the priming cap when the tanks are full to check for
pump prime, as this will result in a fuel spill. Entrapped air will be
released through the dispensing nozzle when the nozzle is initially
opened at the beginning of the dispensing cycle.
Check that all camlock couplings are closed before and during
pumping operations. Couplings opening because of vibration will
result in a fuel spill. Repair or replace defective couplings.
b. Starting Procedures for Engine. Refer to figure 2-7 and start the engine in accordance with the
Change 8