TM 10-4930-204-13
c. K-1 Relay Test Procedures.
(1) Step 1.
(a) Place ON-OFF switch in OFF position.
(b) Disconnect Power Cable (J2).
(c) Unscrew and remove Junction Box Cover with O-ring.
(2) Step 2. (See figure 4-25.8)
Failure of Motor Thermostatic Switch can prevent relay
(a) The X circuit of the relay is grounded through the thermostatic switch in the motor. To check
continuity, put probe on X2 terminal of relay, and other probe on negative (-) terminal of the J2
Connector. (See wiring diagram in figure 4-25.7 for wire connections.)
The following tests require the power cable, J2, be connected
as in normal pumping procedure. Exercise care in use of
multimeter test probes.
(b) Connect Power Cable (J2).
(c) Hold negative (-) probe of multimeter on inner threaded portion of the junction box to ground.
(d) Touching positive (+) probe of multimeter to Al . Terminal of relay should give 24 volt reading.
(e) All other relay terminals should have O readings,
(3) Step 3.
(a) Place ON-OFF Switch in ON position.
(b) Ground negative (-) probe of multimeter.
(c) Touching positive (+) probe of multimeter to X-1 terminal of relay should give 24 volt reading.
(d) Touching positive (+) probe of multimeter to A-1 terminal of relay should give 24 volt reading.
(e) Touching positive (+) probe of multimeter to A-2 terminal of relay should give 24 volt reading.
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