TM 10-4320-344-24
2.16.23 Resistor Replacement, Model 609-C.
This task covers:
2 .
6 .2 3 . 2 I n s t a l l a t i on
Equipment Conditions (Continued)
General Mechanics Automotive
Battery disconnected, paragraph 2.15.3.
Tool Kit, Appendix B, Section III,
Item 1
G e n e r a l S a f e ty I n s t r u c t i o ns
Solder Gun, Appendix B, Section III,
To prevent rolling or sliding, do not work
Item 2
on equipment that is not securely
s t a b i l i z e d .
Do not work on equipment with battery
Solder, Appendix C, Item 25
connected. Electrocution hazard is
Tags, Appendix C, Item 31
present if battery is connected.
Lock Washers (TM 10-4320-344-24P)
Do not work on equipment without following
Equipment Conditions
standard shop safety precautions.
Pumping station shut down, TM 10-4320-
T h i s p r o c e d u r e a p p l i e s t o b o t h r e s i s t o r s R 1 a n d R 2 . Removal.
Do not work on equipment with battery connected. Electrocution hazard is
present if battery is connected.
Failure to obey this warning may result in
death or serious personal injury.
a .
Open control panel door assembly (Figure 2-74, 1) and control panel (2).
b .
Tag and desolder wires (3).
c .
Remove two nuts (4), lock washers (5), screws (6), and resistor (7). Discard
lock washers (5). Installation.
a .
Position resistor (7) on control panel (2) and secure with two screws (6), new
lock washers (5), and nuts (4).
b .
S o l d e r w i r e s ( 3 ) t o r e s i s t o r ( 7 ) .
Remove and discard tags.
c .
Close control panel (2) and control panel door assembly (1).