TM 10-4320-315-24
2-11. General. To ensure that the pumping assembly is ready for operation at all times, it must be inspected
within designated intervals so that defects may be discovered and corrected before they result in serious damage
or failure. Table 4-1 contains a tabulated listing of Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services to be performed
by unit maintenance personnel. All deficiencies and shortcomings will be recorded as well as the corrective action
taken on DA Form 2404 at the earliest possible opportunity.
2-12. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services.
The item numbers of Table 2-1 indicate the sequence of the PMCS. Perform at the intervals shown below:
Do your (M) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE once each month.
Do your (S) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE once each 6 months.
Do your (H) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE at the hour interval listed.
Do your (A) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE once each year.
Refer to TM 104320-315-10, operator PMCS, for leakage definitions.
2-13. PMCS Procedures. The following paragraphs describe your PMCS table.
Item Number Column. This number shall be used as a source of item numbers for the "TM number" column on
DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, in recording results of PMCS.
Interval Columns. A dot shall be placed in the appropriate column marked "M" for monthly, "S" for semiannual,
"A" for annual, and "H" for operating hours.
Item to be Inspected. Items listed in this column are divided by group indicating the part of the equipment each
belongs to, i.e., engine", "battery", "frame assy".
Procedures Column. This column contains a brief description of the check to be performed.
Equipment Is Not Ready/Available If Column. This column is used for identification of conditions that make the
equipment not ready/available for readiness reporting purposes or denies use of the equipment until corrective
maintenance is performed.
Reporting and Correcting Deficiencies. If your equipment does not perform as required, refer to Section V under
Troubleshooting for possible problems. Report any malfunctions or failures on the proper DA Form 2404, or refer
to DA Pam 738-750.
Leakage. Leakage definitions shall be classified as follows:
Class I Seepage of fluid, as indicated by wetness or discoloration not great enough to form drops.
Class II Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops but not enough to cause drops to drip from item being
Class III Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall from the item being checked/inspected.