TM 10-4320-315-24
Remove cotter pin (1) and washer (2) from master pin (3) and remove master pin (3) and rear rollers (4).
Remove ball coupler (28) from outer case assembly (29) by sliding forward.
Remove cotter pin (5), damper pin (6), and damper (7).
Remove the self-tapping hex bolts (8).
Disconnect brake pressure hose (9) from steel brake line (10). Drain brake fluid. Then disconnect and
remove hose from master cylinder fitting (11).
Remove master cylinder fitting (11).
Remove cap (12) from master cylinder (14). Then remove cover (13) and install cap (12).
Remove master cylinder (14).
Remove the nuts (15), washers (16) and springs (17) from the hex bolts (18). Remove pushrod (19) and
cylinder mounting plate (20).
(10) Remove front roller pin (23) by withdrawing cotter pin (21), washer (22) and removing front roller pin from
outer case assembly (29). Remove front roller (24) and cover (25).
(11) Remove breakaway spring (26) and lever (27).
Clean paint from damper pin (6) and master pin (3).
Install damper (7) in ball coupler (28) by inserting damper pin (6) through ball coupler and damper. Secure
with cotter pin (5).
Install ball coupler (28) into outer case assembly (29).
Install rear rollers (4) (bevel edge outward) in outer case assembly (29). Line up the rollers with the
damper plunger holes and the master pin holes. Insert the master pin (3) and secure with washer (2) and
cotter pin (1).
Install the front roller (24), roller cover (25), and the front roller pin (23). Secure with washers (22) and
cotter pin (21).
Attach cylinder mounting plate (20) to master cylinder (13) by inserting hex bolts (18) through cylinder
mounting plate and master cylinder.
Install springs (17), washers (16), and nuts (15).
Install pushrod (19) into master cylinder (13).
Install breakaway lever (27) and spring (26) into notch at top of outer case assembly.
(10) Install master cylinder (13) into outer case (29) and secure with self-tapping hexagonal bolts (8). Ensure
breakaway lever (27) and spring (26) are aligned.